Tuesday, 29 January 2019

Two Goats and a Narrow Bridge

There was a green meadow. Across this meadow ran a Brooke. There was a bridge to connect the two parts of the meadow. Animals used to cross this bridge to graze on both the parts of the meadow.

Once, two goats who were grazing on either sides of the river wanted to cross the bridge at a time. But, the bridge was narrow to hold only one goat. Both the goats were so adamant to cross at the same time. This led to a quarrel among them. At the end both fell into the Brooke and got drowned.

There were two other goats who wanted to cross the bridge. They were both understanding in nature. They were willing to adjust. One goat squatted on the bridge while the other crossed over this goat. After that goat had crosses, the goat which had squatted got up and walked across the bridge. Thus, both the goats crossed the bridge.

Moral: Pride leads to fall and patience always pays. 


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