Tuesday, 29 January 2019

The Fox and the Crow Story

Once there lived a crow in a high tree top. The crow once snatched away a piece of a meat. The crow flew  swiftly  to a  tree top. The  crow settled  and was  about  to  eat  the meat a fox happened met the crow. He smelled  the meat and looked up the crow. He wanted to eat the meat from the crow. He  said  in  a  sweet  voice, “Hello  Crow!  Good Morning”.  The crow  did  not  open  her  mouth.  The fox thought what...

Story of The Hunter and The Pigeons : Unity is Strength

One day a hunter went out to catch birds. He spread out a net on the ground. He put rice all over the net. Then he hid in a bush nearby. Soon some pigeons came flying by. They saw the rice. They did not see the net. They flew to the ground. They began to eat the rice. The hunter in the bush saw the pigeons eating the rice. He pulled the string of the net. The pigeons were caught in the net. The pigeons had a leader. He said to the pigeons, ‘We are caught in a hunter’s net. Don’t get afraid. Do what I say. Then you will be saved.’ ‘We...

Two Goats and a Narrow Bridge

There was a green meadow. Across this meadow ran a Brooke. There was a bridge to connect the two parts of the meadow. Animals used to cross this bridge to graze on both the parts of the meadow. Once, two goats who were grazing on either sides of the river wanted to cross the bridge at a time. But, the bridge was narrow to hold only one goat. Both the goats were so adamant to cross at the same time. This led to a quarrel among them. At the end both fell into the Brooke and got drowned. There were two other goats who wanted to cross the bridge....

Story of the Greedy Lion

Once there lived a king lion in the forest. It was a hot summer day. A lion was feeling very hungry. He came out of his den and searched here and there. He could find only a small hare. He caught the hare with some hesitation. “This hare cannot fill my tummy” thought the lion. As the lion was about to kill the hare, a deer ran that way. The lion became greedy. He thought, “Instead of eating this small hare let me eat the big deer”. He let the hare go and went behind the deer. But, the deer had vanished into the forest. The lion now felt sorry...

The Dog and the Cows In the Manger

Once there lived a group of cows with a herd. The cows used to eat hay from the manger. One day a herd of cows came to the manger to eat hay. They saw a dog lying on the hay in the manger. One of the cow pleaded, “Please, will you get up! We are hungry. We have to eat our hay”. The dog did not take heed of it. Once again another cow pleaded, “Please, let us have our hay”. The dog snarled and the cow stepped back. A wise cow ran up to the bull and told him the matter. The bull came and requested, “Get out, please! Let them have their food”....